Mindfulness Journaling Circle

next session:

on pause

“I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.”


What is mindful journaling?

Just like any other mindfulness practice, writing time is a container where we can let our analyzing mind relax into the safe embrace of our heart, body, creativity, and spirit.

When we write with nonjudgemental presence, in the support of community, we can lovingly introduce all the parts of ourselves to one another. We can uncover healing truths, uncomfortable fears, and stifled ideas with curiosity. No need to push or pull, adjust or fix or figure out.

Do I have to share?

Not at all, if you don’t feel like it. You don’t even need to turn your camera on. You’ll have the opportunity to be transformed through deep listening and you can choose to share.

What will we do?

We start with some easeful mindfulness through movement (accessible for all bodies), visualization, and breathing. I’ll guide you through practices to increase body awareness and transition out of thinking/doing and into being/feeling.

Writing time is both guided by prompts and freeform. We’ll see what comes up when we soften into the embrace of full presence.

We make lots of open space for sharing and listening.

What to bring:

A notebook to write in and at least two pens that you love.

A beverage and snack prepared so you don’t have to worry about that.

Cozy clothes, pillows, blankets, your animal companion, a candle, cannabis, anything else that helps you feel comfortable, in your body, and intuitive.

A device that connects easily to Zoom and headphones is those help you focus.